Research & Publication: COEIT & CNMS Faculty Panel
STEM Graduate Students
Research & Publication: COEIT & CNMS Faculty Panel – Online Event
Date & Time
October 17, 2022, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Publishing your work is considered one of the primary pillars of a research project. Graduate students are often haunted by policies and recommendations to publish several papers as part of their graduate experience. Some use their publications as part of their thesis or dissertation and some programs even require students to be a first author in order to be considered for graduation from a Ph.D. program.
How do you even start the process of writing a publication? What are impact factors and how do you decide if your data is impactful enough to be submitted to a particular publication or journal?
We have invited a panel of productive and avid STEM publishing faculty from UMBC to talk about this and other topics related to publication. The intent of this event is to demystify the publishing hardship, learn how to overcome perfectionism (when is my paper ready to be submitted for publication?), learn how to process criticism, how to manage your time to maximize productivity (when am I supposed to find the time to sit down and write?), how to overcome writers' block, and more.
The workshop will be held via WebEx on Monday, October 17th from 12-1pm
Faculty Panelists:
- Dr Kathleen Hoffman (Mathematics and Statistics)
- Dr. Maria Sanchez (Director of ECEP)
- Dr. Belay Demoz (Director of JCET)
- Dr. Mercedes Burns (Biological Sciences)
This event is co-hosted by the AOK Library staff and the Office of Graduate Student Development - PROMISE at UMBC.
If you need special accommodations or have questions, please contact PROMISE staff at