World AIDS Day Trivia Night & Art Contest!
Safe Sex Starts with Knowledge
The Commons : Sports Zone
Date & Time
December 1, 2015, 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Join the Office of Student Life, University Health Services and the Peer Health Educators on December 1st for our own TRIVIA NIGHT and CONDOM ART CONTEST in honor of World AIDS Day!
There will be 3 to 4 rounds of trivia, conducted bar-style. Students can participate in teams or individually. Each round will have 10 questions related to HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.
In-between trivia rounds, students will be able to vote for the best condom art project, submitted by fellow students. If you would like to enter a team into the condom art contest, please see here.
The winning team/individual of trivia AND the winners of trivia will all receive prizes. Tons of free swag and door prizes will be available throughout the night as well, plus FREE FOOD!!!
We will also be collecting donations during the art contest for Moveable Feast - a non-profit organization in Baltimore that provides healthy meals for people in Maryland with AIDS/cancer/other life threatening illnesses. A member from the organization will be present to talk about their work and their impact on the local community.
For questions, please contact or