Jessica Burstrem, President
Program: Language, Literacy & Culture (LLC)
Hometown: Grand Blanc, Michigan, USA
Previous Degree(s): B.A., English Language & Literature, University of Michigan, 2003; M.A., English, & Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies, University of Florida, 2006.
Favorite Quote: “Survival pending Revolution is our immediate task and to do this we must meet the needs of the people.”
Official Email:

Aminah Amjad, Vice President
Program: PhD Chemistry
Hometown: Lahore, Pakistan
Previous Degree(s): B.S. Chemistry
Favorite Quote: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Official Email:
James Gilmore Jr, Treasurer
Program: MPS Data Science
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Previous Degree(s): B.S. Sport, and Recreation Management, Temple University, 2022
Favorite Quote: “Do for self, or suffer the consequences”
Official Email:
Janerra Allen, Secretary
Program: PhD Electrical Engineering
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY, USA
Previous Degree(s): M.S. Electrical Engineering, UMBC, 2022; B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017
Favorite Quote: “Leap, and the net will appear” – John Burroughs
Official Email:
Soham Katkar, Speaker of the Senate
Program: M.S Information Systems
Hometown: Chhatrapati SambhajiNagar, Maharashtra, India
Previous Degree(s): B.Tech, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Favorite Quote: “Well done is better than well said” – Benjamin Franklin
Official Email:
Past Cabinets/Executive Councils:
2020-2021 Spring Executive Council